public range open 9:00 > 13:00

We’re looking to re-open on Thursday pending any Storm Damage

WAC Mission Statement


Being a corporation (not for profit), duly organized under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Florida and exempted under the 501(C) Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as amended, the chief and foremost objectives of this organization are to create, erect, support and operate a facility at which to instruct the youth of this area, without expense to them, in good citizenship and the proper safe use and legal handling of firearms; to support and contribute money to such charitable causes which tend to alleviate and lessen juvenile delinquency, as the Board of Directors may from time to time elect.  To promote and encourage laws for the protection of forests and wild life in the State of Florida; to promote and encourage better understanding among its members and the general public as to the proper use of hunting equipment; to promote, encourage, and educate its members and the general public in the principles of marksmanship and safety in the use of firearms; to promote, encourage and provide amusement, entertainment social and friendly recreation for its members; to buy, hold, mortgage, sell, convey, lease, or otherwise dispose of real and personal property in the State of Florida and in all other States and Countries; to contract debts and borrow money, issue notes and other evidences of indebtedness and execute such mortgages, transfers of corporate property, and other instruments to secure the payment of corporate indebtedness as required; and to take any further actions permitted under the laws of the State of Florida and the Constitution of the United States of America.